製品 コード |
製品名 |
価格 (税込) |
SS0001 |
¥ 4,950 |
SS0002 |
¥ 4,950 |
SS0003 |
¥ 4,950 |
SS0004 |
¥ 4,950 |
10th Anniversary Limited Items 10周年 限定アイテム
10th Anniversary Box 10周年アニバーサリーボックス

ノートバンド(非売品)のほか、365 デイズノート、エディターズメモ、低粘度油性ボールペンがオリジナルのお道具箱に入っています。
Limited sets of STALOGY products with the 10th Anniversary logo.This set consists of a notebook band (not for sale), 365 Days Notebook, Editor’s Memo Pad and Low-Viscosity Oil-Based Ink Ball Point Pen in an original toolbox.
Color Variation
black -
red -
blue -
We've created four sets based on flagship 365 Days Notebook colors.
Pick the color arrangement that you like best.
In this limited edition design, the back covers of our popular 365 Days Notebooks bear a 10th anniversary commemorative logo.
These Editor's Memo Pads, which can be used for memos or sticky notes, bear our 10th anniversary logo. The black pad is an exclusive, only available in this set. * All pages are unlined.
The notebook band, which allows you to carry your notebook and pen together, is only available in the 10th anniversary box.
The box is available for use as toolbox after taking out items.
Image Gallery
- 江別 蔦屋書店
- 札幌ロフト
- 大丸藤井セントラル
- 仙台ロフト
- 新潟ロフト
- 大宮ロフト
- 池袋ロフト
- 吉祥寺ロフト
- 銀座ロフト
- 渋谷ロフト
- 誠品生活日本橋
- 代官山 蔦屋書店
- 二子玉川ロフト
- 町田ロフト
- 武蔵境ロフト
- 川崎ロフト
- 武蔵小杉ロフト
- 横浜ロフト
- 千葉ロフト
- 名古屋ロフト
- 京都ロフト
- 丸善京都本店
- あべのロフト
- 梅田ロフト
- ジュンク堂書店 大阪本店
- ルクア大阪ロフト
- 神戸ロフト
- 西宮ロフト
- 広島ロフト
- 小倉ロフト
- 雑貨館インキューブ天神店
- 天神ロフト
- デサキ 熊本菊陽店
- ロフトネットストア
- 博客來
- 明進文具房
- 紀伊國屋書店 台北微風店
- 紀伊國屋書店 高雄巨蛋店
- Pinkoi
There is a possibility that the item you are looking for will be not dealing
with or out of stock depending on the store. We recommend that
you ask the store to check the stock.
Editor's Series 365 Days Notebook × 10 Illustrators エディターズシリーズ365デイズノート×10人のイラストレーター
Be Available in Mar. 2023 23年3月発売

In commemoration of our 10th anniversary, we are releasing 10 types of special 365 Days Notebooks.
The covers of this limited edition product feature works by 10 illustrators.
Details are to be announced accordingly.
Stefan Marx
Photo Contest フォトコンテスト

STALOGY Loverの皆さんによる、すてきな写真の数々をお待ちしています。
Every day, our Instagram page receives photos of STALOGY products being used around the world. That's why we've decided to celebrate our 10th anniversary by holding a photo contest. We're looking forward to seeing the wonderful photographs submitted by STALOGY lovers.
#stalogy10th award 受賞作品
We announce the awarded works that were selected as a result of the judging. Thank you very much for your wonderful photo submissions.
It seems that you have mastered the use of our notebook with customizing the grid, page numbering, and so on. We are glad to see that the 365 Days Notebook has become a part of your daily life.
The seasonal yellow tones are lovely. The illustrations and the collages of tapes are wonderful and you can enjoy them whenever you reread your notebook.
We are charmed by the impressive illustrations. Do you draw a page per a day? We are looking forward to seeing what the next one will be.
You wrote down your daily records freely on those notebooks. We are happy to read the comments posted with the photo, which were full of love for STALOGY.
How to Apply 応募方法
Follow STALOGY official account of Instagram (@stalogy_official)
Post your favorite STALOGY photo with #stalogy10th
Contest Period 応募期間
Thursday, October 20, 2022, 12:00 a.m. to Sunday, November 20, 2022, 11:59 p.m. (Japan Standard Time)
Prize 受賞
Four of the submitted entries will be selected as winners and announced and posted on our site and on Nitoms social media.
Requirement 応募要項
株式会社ニトムズ(以下、「当社」といいます)が主催する「ニトムズ STALOGY10周年フォトコンテスト(以下、「本キャンペーン」といいます)」にご応募される前に本規約をよくお読みになり、ご同意いただける場合に限りご応募ください。本キャンペーンにご応募された場合、本規約にご同意いただいたものとみなします。
ニトムズ STALOGY10周年フォトコンテスト
※ご応募には、STALOGY公式Instagramアカウント「stalogy_official」のフォローが必要です。 -
- ・本規約にご同意いただける方
- ・ご自身のInstagramアカウントをお持ちで、公開設定にされている方
- ・STALOGY公式Instagramアカウント「stalogy_official」のフォローをしている方
- ※日本国内外問わずご応募いただけます。
- ※未成年の方は、本規約内容およびご応募されることについて法定代理人の事前のご同意がない場合はご応募いただけません。ご応募された場合は、法定代理人のご同意があったものとみなします。
- ※当社および本キャンペーンの関係者は応募できません。
- ※反社会勢力に準ずる団体またはその構成員は応募できません。
- (1)STALOGY公式Instagramアカウント「stalogy_official」をフォローします。
- (2)本キャンペーン指定のハッシュタグ「#stalogy10th」をつけて、STALOGY製品が写った画像をInstagramで投稿します。
- ※本キャンペーンでは、指定期間中に上記方法でなされたInstagram投稿を対象とし、選考をおこないます。
- ※指定ハッシュタグがない、または完全一致しない投稿は応募受付システムの仕様上、対象外となります。「#」は半角ですのでご注意ください。
- ※STALOGY公式Instagramアカウント「stalogy_official」をフォローしていないアカウントからのご応募は無効といたします。
- ※応募投稿は当社で確認後、「STALOGY10周年特設サイト」にウィジェット表示されます。タイミングによっては表示されない場合もございます。
- ※非公開アカウントからの応募投稿は、選考対象外となります。
- ※応募投稿は1日1回までを上限とし、キャンペーン期間中、何度でもご投稿いただけますが、同じ作品での繰り返しのご投稿はお控えください。同じコメントやコンテンツを繰り返し投稿することは、Instagramコミュニティガイドラインに抵触し、アカウントを停止される可能性があります。Instagramの利用規約および各種ガイドラインをご確認の上、ご自身の責任においてご投稿ください。
- ※当社はInstagramの利用規約および各種ガイドラインに準拠し、違反が認められる場合は本キャンペーンにおける入選資格を無効とさせていただきます。
- ※応募投稿は、入選の有無を問わず、各国における当社の各種広告・宣伝物・SNS(小紅書(中華人民共和国のSNS)を含みます)に掲載させていただく場合がございます。このことにご同意いただけない方は、ご応募をお控えください。なお、その採否は当社の裁量により決定いたします。
- ※本キャンペーンへのご応募、お問い合わせに伴う通信料等は、応募者様のご負担となります。
- ※フィーチャーフォンではご応募いただけません。
- ・応募者様ご自身が撮影された画像であること
- ・過去を含め、他コンテスト等に応募されたことのない、未発表の画像であること
- ・応募画像の被写体に人物が含まれる場合、同画像のInstagramへの投稿および各国おける当社の各種広告・宣伝物・SNSへの掲載について、当該人物の許諾を得ていること
- ※第三者より応募画像に関する権利侵害、その他のクレームがあった場合は、当社の判断で当該応募画像の掲載を取りやめることがあります。
※入選はお一人様1回限りとなります。 -
- ・当社は、当社の都合により、本キャンペーンを変更・中止・終了する場合があります。
-本規約の変更が、変更前の規約の目的に反せず、かつ、変更の必要性、変更後の内容の相当性、その他の変更に係る事情に照らして合理的なものであるとき - ・本規約に定めのない事項については、当社の判断により決定します。
- ・応募者様は、本キャンペーンの運用について当社の運用方針に従うものとし、一切異議申立てをおこなわないものとします。
- ・本キャンペーンはInstagramの提供・協賛によるものではありません。
- ・本キャンペーンへのご応募にあたっては、本規約の他、Instagram利用規約および各種ガイドラインが適用されます。
- ・ご応募後に応募投稿のハッシュタグを削除された場合、選考対象外、または入選資格が無効となる場合があります。
- ・ご応募後に応募投稿を削除された場合、選考対象外となります。
- ・ご応募後に削除、または非公開設定に変更されたアカウントは、選考対象外となります。
- ・ご応募の取り消しは承れません。
- ・本キャンペーン応募の前提となるインターネット接続、Instagramの利用方法等に関するお問い合わせにはお答えいたしかねます。ご自身の責任と費用においてご準備ください。
- ・入選者の権利を第三者に譲渡することはできません(当社で入選者の名義変更を承ることもできません)。
- ・「応募投稿」のコメント、画像等(以下総称して「投稿内容」といいます)の著作権は応募者様に帰属します。ただし、当社は、応募者様に個別に承諾を得ることなく、無償で期間の制限なく自由に投稿内容を利用(複製、改変、翻案、公衆送信およびそのために必要な加工等を含み、これに限りません)することができ、また同様の方法により第三者に利用させることができるものとします。また、応募者様は投稿内容について、当社および当社が投稿内容の利用につき許諾を与えた第三者に対して、著作者人格権を行使しないものとします。なお、当社は、投稿内容を利用するにあたり、応募者様が投稿に使用したユーザーアカウント名を表示する義務を負いません。また応募者様は投稿内容に含まれる肖像についても当社および当社が投稿内容の利用につき許諾を与えた第三者がこれを利用することに同意するものとします。
- ・応募者様は、当社に対し、応募投稿の投稿内容が第三者の権利を侵害していないことを保証するものとします。
- ・本キャンペーンの応募投稿に関連して応募者と第三者との間に紛争が生じた場合に、応募者はご自身の責任と費用で当該紛争を解決するものとし、当社に一切損害を与えないものとします。万一、当社に損害を与えた場合、当該応募者に対し、損害賠償の請求ができるものとします。
- ・「STALOGY10周年特設サイト」に掲載されているすべての写真、社名ロゴ、画像、映像、文章、音楽等のコンテンツに関する著作権・商標権・意匠権等の知的財産権は、当社または当社が使用許諾を受けた正当な権利者に帰属します。なお、本サイト上のコンテンツ等の利用については、当社が許可した場合以外、複製・転用・転載・電磁的加工・送信・頒布・譲渡・貸与・二次的使用・その他これらに類するすべての行為も含め、一切禁止いたします。
- ・応募者様のご利用端末・OS・ブラウザ等のインターネット利用環境等により、ご応募いただけない場合もございます。
- ・本キャンペーン指定の方法により、指定期間中になされたInstagram投稿は本キャンペーンへのご応募の意思表示と判断いたします。
- (1) 本規約に違反する行為
- (2) 法令・条例に違反する行為、公序良俗に反する行為、またはそのおそれのある行為
- (3) 犯罪行為または不正行為に結びつく行為
- (4) Instagram利用規約に違反する行為
- (5) 当社・他人の著作権その他の知的財産権や肖像権、プライバシー権その他の権利または利益を侵害する行為、またはそのおそれのある行為
- (6) 当社・他人の名誉・信用を傷付け、信頼を毀損する行為
- (7) 当社・他人に不利益または損害を与える行為
- (8) 当社・他人を誹謗中傷する行為
- (9) 他人の個人情報を開示する行為
- (10) 他人の名義、その他会社等の組織名を名乗ること等による、なりすまし行為
- (11) 本キャンペーンを利用した営業行為、営利目的またはその準備を目的とした行為
- (12) 本キャンペーンを利用した政治活動、選挙活動、宗教活動
- (13) 本キャンペーンの運営を妨げる行為
- (14) その他当社が本キャンペーンの趣旨に照らして不適切と判断する行為
- ・本キャンペーンへのご応募は、応募者様自らの判断と責任においておこなうものとし、ご応募に際して応募者様に何らかの損害が生じた場合、当社の故意または重過失に起因するものを除いて当社はその責任を一切負いません。また、当社に故意または重大な過失がある場合も、当社の賠償義務は、直接、通常かつ現実に生じた損害に限られます。
- ・当社は、以下事由により本キャンペーンの一部またはすべてを変更・中断あるいは中止または終了した場合に生じた損害について、一切の責任を負いません。
- (1)Instagramが提供するサービスのメンテナンスや不具合が発生した場合
- (2)火災、停電または通信環境の悪化等の非常事態が発生した場合
- (3)地震、噴火、洪水、津波等の天災地変、感染症の蔓延 、暴動、労働争議、官公署の命令等による場合
- (4)その他、本キャンペーンの開催、継続が困難であると当社が判断した場合
- ・ご提供いただいた個人情報は、必要な諸連絡、並びにお問い合わせへの適切なご回答のため、また、個人を特定しない統計情報として製品開発、サービス向上のために利用させていただきます。その他の目的には一切利用いたしません。キャンペーン終了後、一定期間をおいて適切な方法により廃棄いたします。
- ・個人情報をご本人のご同意なく第三者(本キャンペーン企画の委託先である株式会社パルディアを除きます)に開示・提供することはありません。ただし、法令により開示・提供を求められた場合はこの限りではありません。
- ・その他、個人情報のお取り扱いに関しては、当社ホームページのプライバシーポリシー(https://www.nitoms.com/policy/)をご覧ください。
受付時間:9:00~12:00/13:00~17:00 ※土日・祝日を除く
Please read these rules carefully before submitting any entries to the Nitoms STALOGY 10th Anniversary Photo Contest ("the Contest") organized by Nitoms, Inc. ("Nitoms") and only submit an entry if you agree to the rules herein ("the Rules"). The submission of an entry will be deemed to constitute agreement to the Rules.
[Name of the Contest]
Nitoms STALOGY 10th Anniversary Photo Contest
[Overview of the Contest]
Photographs depicting STALOGY products submitted to Instagram via the method specified by the Campaign will be posted on the STALOGY 10th Anniversary Special Site (https://stalogy.com/special/10th/). Following the submission deadline, submitted entries will be judged and the images selected as winners will be posted along with comments from STALOGY regarding the winning entries.
※ Persons wishing to submit an entry must follow STALOGY's official Instagram account, "stalogy_official". -
[Contest Period]
Thursday, October 20, 2022, 12:00 a.m. to Sunday, November 20, 2022, 11:59 p.m. (Japan Standard Time)
[Eligibility Requirements]
- ・Entrants must agree to the Rules.
- ・Entrants must have their own public Instagram account.
- ・Entrants must follow STALOGY's official Instagram account, "stalogy_official".
- ※Entries can be submitted from anywhere, both inside and outside Japan.
- ※Minors may only participate in the Contest if a legal representative has consented to the Rules and to their participation in the Contest. Minors that submit entries to the Contest will be deemed to have done so with the consent of their legal representative.
- ※Persons affiliated with Nitoms or the Campaign may not enter the Contest.
- ※Organizations and members of organizations that are or are equivalent to antisocial forces may not enter the Contest.
[How to Enter]
- (1)Follow STALOGY's official Instagram account, "stalogy_official".
- (2)Upload an image depicting one or more STALOGY products to Instagram along with the Campaign's hash tag, "#stalogy10th".
- ※Judging will be conducted for submissions to Instagram via the above method during the specified Contest period.
- ※Due to the way the Contest entry system is designed, Instagram uploads which do not contain the designated hash tag, or whose hash tag is not identical to the designated hash tag, will not be considered during judging.
<Important Notes Regarding Entries>
- ※Submissions from accounts which are not following STALOGY's official Instagram account, "stalogy_official" will not be eligible.
- ※After entries are confirmed, they will be displayed on a widget on the STALOGY 10th Anniversary Special Site. Depending on the timing of the entry submission, some entries may not be displayed on the widget.
- ※Submissions from private accounts will not be considered during judging.
- ※Entrants may submit as many entries as they wish during the Contest period, with a limit of one entry per day. However, please refrain from submitting the same image multiple times. Repeated submission of the same comments and contents is a violation of Instagram's community guidelines and could result in account suspension. Please review Instagram's terms of service and guidelines. Entrants are responsible for their own submissions.
- ※Nitoms complies with Instagram's terms of service and guidelines, and any entrants who are found to have violated them will be disqualified.
- ※Submitted entries, regardless of whether they were selected as winners, may be used in various countries in Nitoms advertising, promotional materials, and social media (including Xiaohongshu (a social media platform used in the People's Republic of China)). Those who do not agree to these terms are requested to refrain from submitting entries. Decisions regarding whether or not to use submitted entries in promotional activities will be made at Nitoms's discretion.
- ※Entrants are responsible for any communications expenses involved in submitting entries to the Contest or making inquiries.
- ※Entries cannot be submitted via feature phones.
<Important Notes Regarding Submitted Images>
※Submitted images must meet the following requirements.
- ・The images must be photographs taken by the entrant.
- ・Images submitted as entries may not have formerly been displayed or exhibited prior to the Contest, and may not have been submitted to any other contests.
- ・If any persons are shown in a submitted image, they must have given their assent to the image being submitted to Instagram and used in various countries in Nitoms advertising, promotional materials, and social media.
- ※In the event of any claims by third parties that submitted entries infringe their rights, or of any other complaints by third parties, we may choose not to display the submitted entries at our own discretion.
Judging will be conducted in late November 2022, following the entry submission deadline. Four winning entries will be selected.
Winning entries will be announced in roughly mid-December 2022 in a story on STALOGY's official Instagram account, "stalogy_official", and on the STALOGY 10th Anniversary Special Site.
※A maximum of one winning entry may be selected per entrant. -
- ・Nitoms may modify, cancel, or terminate the Contest at its own discretion.
・In the following situations, Nitoms may modify the Rules by announcing, via the Internet or other appropriate means, the contents of the changes and the timing with which the changes will go into effect in advance.
-When the changes to the Rules are in conformance with the general interests of customers
-When the changes to the Rules are not in conflict with the objectives of the Rules prior to the changes, and when the changes are reasonable given the necessity of the changes, the reasonableness of the contents of the Rules following the changes, and other factors related to the changes - ・Matters which are not stipulated in the Rules will be decided on at the discretion of Nitoms.
- ・Entrants must conform with Nitoms operating policy with respect to the operation of the Contest, and shall lodge no formal objections.
- ・This Contest is not sponsored or supported by Instagram.
- ・In addition to the Rules, Instagram's terms of service and guidelines shall apply to all Contest entries.
- ・If the hash tag is removed following the submission of an entry, the corresponding image may be removed from the judging pool and the entrant may be disqualified.
- ・If a submitted entry is deleted following its submission, the entry will be removed from the judging pool.
- ・If the account used to submit an entry is deleted or made private after the entry is submitted, entries from the account will be removed from the judging pool.
- ・Requests to remove entries will not be accepted.
- ・Nitoms is unable to answer questions regarding how to connect to the internet, how to use Instagram, or other matters related to the prerequisites for submitting entries to the Contest. Entrants are to make all necessary arrangements themselves, at their own expense.
- ・Entrants may not transfer their rights to third parties (Nitoms will not accept requests to change entry ownership).
- ・Entrants will retain the copyright to their "Entry Submission" comments, images, etc. (hereafter collectively referred to as "Submitted Content"). However, Nitoms may use the Submitted Content freely (including but not limited to reproduction, alteration, adaptation, public transmission, and any processing required for the above), without compensation and for an unlimited period of time, without the need for prior separate permission from the entrant. Nitoms may also allow third parties to use the Submitted Content in the same way. The entrant shall waive their moral rights to the Submitted Content with respect to Nitoms and any third party permitted by Nitoms to use the Submitted Content. When the Submitted Content is used, Nitoms is not required to display the name of the user account used by the entrant to submit the entry. The entrant shall agree to the use of all likenesses included in Submitted Content by Nitoms and any third party permitted by Nitoms to use the Submitted Content.
- ・The entrant shall guarantee to Nitoms that the Submitted Content does not violate the rights of any third parties.
- ・In the event of any disputes between the entrant and any third parties regarding submissions of entries to the Contest, the entrant shall be responsible for settling said disputes at their own expense, and the disputes shall not result in the incurring of any damages by Nitoms. In the event that Nitoms does incur damages, Nitoms may demand compensation.
- ・The intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademarks, and design rights, to all photographs, company logos, images, text, music, and other content displayed on the STALOGY 10th Anniversary Special Site are the property of Nitoms or legitimate right holders from which rights have been licensed. During the course of use of the contents, etc., on the site, the entrant may not use said content, including replication, reuse, transfer, electromagnetic processing, transmission, distribution, transfer, lending, secondary use, or other use, without the permission of Nitoms.
- ・Entry may not be possible depending on the entrant's internet environment, including the entrant's device, operating system, or browser.
- ・Submissions to Instagram during the Contest period, performed using the method stipulated for the Contest, will be deemed to be an indication of intent to submit an entry to the Contest.
The following are prohibited when entering the Contest. If Nitoms deems that any of the following activities have been performed by the entrant, Nitoms may disqualify the entrant's entries and strip winning entries of their status as winning entries.
- (1) Any act which violates the Rules
- (2) Any act that violates laws, statutes, or public morals, or which has the potential to do so
- (3) Any act tied to illegal or fraudulent activity
- (4) Any act which violates Instagram's terms of service
- (5) Any act which violates the copyright or other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, or any other rights or interests of Nitoms or any other party, or which has the potential to do so
- (6) Any act which damages the honor, reputation, or credibility of Nitoms or any other parties
- (7) Any activities that result in losses or damages for Nitoms or any other parties
- (8) Any act which defames Nitoms or any other parties
- (9) Any act that discloses the personal information of another party
- (10) Any act that involves the impersonation of others, such as through the use of the names of other individuals or organizations, including companies
- (11) Any act which uses the Contest for business activities, business purposes, or preparation for business activities or business purposes
- (12) Political activities, election activities, or religious activities utilizing the Contest
- (13) Any act which impedes the operation of the Contest
- (14) Any other act which Nitoms deems inappropriate given the purpose of the Contest
- ・All submissions to the Contest shall be made at the discretion of the entrant, and the entrant shall be responsible for their entry submission. Nitoms shall not be held in any way responsible for any damages suffered by the entrant in relation to their entry except when said damages are the result of willful or gross negligence by Nitoms. Even in the event of damages arising from willful or gross negligence by Nitoms, Nitoms obligation for compensation shall be limited to direct, ordinary, and actual damages.
- ・Nitoms shall not be held in any way responsible for any damages that arise as the result of changing, suspending, canceling, or ending the Contest due to any of the following reasons.
- (1)Maintenance or malfunctions affecting the services supplied by Instagram
- (2)Emergencies such as fires, power outages, or the deterioration of the communications environment
- (3)Natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, or tsunamis, pandemics, riots, labor disputes, orders from the government or public offices, etc.
- (4)Other factors which Nitoms deems as impeding the launching or continuation of the Contest
[Handling of Personal Information]
- ・Personal information submitted by entrants will be used appropriately to provide notices and respond to inquiries, and also, in anonymized form, as statistical information for the purposes of developing products and improving our services. Personal information is not used for any other purposes. Following the conclusion of the Contest, after a specified period of time has passed, personal information will be disposed of using appropriate disposal methods.
- ・Personal information is not disclosed or provided to third parties (with the exception of PaLdia Co.,Ltd., which Nitoms has entrusted with the planning of the Contest) without the consent of the person to whom it belongs except when required by law.
- ・Please see the Privacy Policy on the Nitoms website (https://www.nitoms.com/policy/) for information regarding the handling of personal information.
[Governing Law and Jurisdiction]
Matters concerning the Contest and the Rules are governed by the laws of Japan. In the event of disputes regarding the Contest, the Tokyo District Court shall be the court with exclusive agreed primary jurisdiction.
Nitoms Customer Service Center
Telephone: +81-570-05-2106
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Japan Standard Time) * Closed on weekends and holidays
※Please note that we do not respond to any DMs or comments directed at STALOGY's official Instagram account, "stalogy_official".
※Entrants are responsible for all communications charges.
Contact お問い合わせ
受付時間:9:00~12:00/13:00~17:00 ※土日・祝日を除く
2023 年 3 月 10 日(金)にグランドオープン予定の「東京ミッドタウン八重洲」2 階にステーショナリーショップ『STALOGY 東京ミッドタウン八重洲店』を出店します。
We will open STALOGY official shop in Tokyo Midtown Yaesu, scheduled to open on March 10, 2023.
More detail